EDUCATION - B.Sc. in Forestry (1971), Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece. - Post-graduate studies at the Ecole nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forets (E.N.G.R.E.F.) - Centre de Nancy, France. - Ph.D. in Economics of Development with specialization in exploitation of forest recourses (1983), Faculty of Law & Economic Sciences of the University Nancy II, France.
EMPLOYMENT RECORD - Director (2006-2009) of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems & Forest Products Technology Institute of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F) of Greece. - Deputy Director General (2004–2006 full duties) of N.AG.RE.F. - Head (2001-2006) of the Directorate of Planning, Coordination, Evaluation & Application of Research of N.AG.RE.F. - Head (2000-2001) of the Directorate of Administration, Economics & Legal Affairs of N.AG.RE.F. - Head (1999-2000) of the International Relations and Relations with National Foundations & Organizations Departments of N.AG.RE.F. - Senior Researcher (1999-2008) of N.AG.RE.F. - Associate Researcher (1994-1999) at the Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems & Forest Products Technology Institute of N.AG.RE.F. - Professor - Coordinator (1987-1994) of post-graduate studies and research projects at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece, of the Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraneennes (C.I.H.E.A.M). - Head (1985-1987) of the Regional Forest Service of Kalamata, Greece. - Forest Engineer (1983-1985) of the Regional Forest Service of Kalamata, Greece. - Research Assistant (1981-1983) of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (I.N.R.A.) de Nancy, France. - Forest Engineer (1976-1980) at the Regional Forest Directorate of Messinia Prefecture, Greece. - Research Assistant (1973-1975) at the Forest Research Institute of Athens, Greece.
ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS - Elected external Member (2012-2015) of Council at Technological Educational Institute of Epirus. - Honorary distinction (2010) from the Board of N.AG.RE.F., as responsible General Coordinator and Technical Advisor of the Greek Ministry of Culture for the post-fire restoration of archaeological landscape of Olympia. - Member (2010) of External Evaluation Committee for the Department of Forestry & Natural Environment Management of the Technological Educational Institute of Larissa (Karditsa Branch), proposed by the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. - Member (2004-2006) of the Board of Directors of N.AG.RE.F. - Member (2004-2006) of the Scientific Council of N.AG.RE.F. - President or member of scientific committees for the evaluation of researchers, proposed by the Scientific Council of N.AG.RE.F. - Member of scientific committee of International Geographical Union - Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification. - Member of scientific committee of IUCN - The World Conservation Union - Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning. - Member (1995, 1999) of Cross-Meeting for the formation of Rural Research and Technological Policy for the section of Forest & Forest Production and the Organization of Hellenic Rural Insurances. - Coordinator (1990-1993) of FAO - Sylva Mediterranea research projects, proposed by C.I.H.E.A.M.
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS) PROJECTS He has worked as Coordinator (1987–1994) on planning, organization and co-ordination of post-graduate studies and research projects in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece of C.I.H.E.A.M. His expertize and experience includes planning, organization and coordination of competitive research projects in co-operation with national and international research and university level foundations and international organizations (F.A.O., Sylva Mediterranea, C.E.C., I.N.R.A., C.I.H.E.A.M., I.C.ALP.E., I.U.F.R.O.). He has submitted research proposals and co-operated in conducting more than thirty (30) projects with Greek and foreign partners in the frame of various programmes (CAMAR, ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, AIR 3, LIFE – NATURE, DEMETER ’95, 5TH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME), financed by the E.U. A large part of his research is related to desertification problems in the Greek island of Crete. Furthermore, he has completed successfully, as head (1994–2000) of a team of researchers at the Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems & Forest Products Technology of NAGREF, a number of forest fire related research projects (PENED ’95, FOMFIS, PROMETHEUS, E-FIS, WARM, EUFIRELAB, etc.). He has been General Coordinator and Technical Advisor of the Greek Ministry of Culture (2007-2013) for the post-fire restoration of archaeological and broader landscape of Olympia.
MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES - Geotechnical Chamber of Greece. - Hellenic Forestry Society (Vice-president 1995-97 and 1999-2005). - Union of Ministry of Agriculture Scientific Researchers. - Institute of Agricultural Researches. Ινστιτούτο Αγροτικών Ερευνών. - European Network Association of Environmental Campuses (Founding member and Vice-president). - International Association of Wildland Fire. - Study Group on Erosion and Desertification in Regions of Mediterranean Climate. - New York Academy of Sciences.
LAGUAGES Greek, French, English.
Lyrintzis, G. 1983. L'exploitation des taillis-Comparaison technico-économique et limites de trois systèmes d' exploitation. Revue forestière française, Vol. XXXV, No. 6 (1983): 463-472.
Ispikoudis, J., Lyrintzis, G. and Kyriakakis, S. 1993. Impact of human activities on Mediterranean landscapes in Western Greece. Landscape and Urban Planning 24 (1993):259-271. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam.
Panetsos, K., Nikolaidis, A., Lyrintzis, G., et al. 1993. Identification, preservation adaptation and cultivation of selected aromatic and medical plants suitable for marginal lands of the Mediterranean region. Acta Horticulturae. 331, (1993):191-197.
Nikolakaki, S., Panetsos, K., and Lyrintzis, G. 1993. The evergreen plane tree of Crete. Comparative research among evergreen and deciduous trees Geotechnical scientific themes GEOTEE, volume 4, bulletin 4, 1993:7 – 13. (in greek).
Lyrintzis, G. and Papanastasis, V. 1995. Human activities and their impact on land degradation of Psilorites mountain in Crete: A historical perspective. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, 6(1995):79-93 Wiley.
Lyrintzis, G. 1996. Human impact trend in Crete: the case of Psilorites Mountain. Environmental Conservation, 23(2):140-148 (1996). Foundation for Environmental Conservation.
Lyrintzis, G., Papanastasis, V., and Ispikoudis, J. 1997. Role of livestock husbandry in social and landscape changes in White Mountains and Psilorites of Crete.
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ecological basis of livestock grazing in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Thessaloniki, Greece, October 23-25, 1997, European Commission. Science, Research and Development EUR 18308 EN:322-327.
Caballero, D., Xanthopoulos, G., Kallidromitou, D., Lyrintzis, G., et al. 1999.FOMFIS: Forest fire management and fire prevention system. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Fires: Needs & Innovations, A DELFI Action. Athens, Greece, November 18 – 19, 1999, European Commission. DGXII Environment & Climate Programme:93 – 98.
Albanis K., Boskos, L. and Lyrintzis, G. 2000. Μεθοδολογία υπολογισμού δαπανών κατάσβεσης δασικών πυρκαγιών. Συμβολή για μια ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση. Geotechnical scientific themes GEOTEE, volume 11, serial II, Νο 1/2000 : 4 -18. (in greek).
Gagari, P., Lyrintzis, G., Baloutsos, G. and Xantopoulos, G. 2001.Contribution of log erosion barriers to soil protection and vegetation recovery after wildfire in Pinus halepensis forest in Greece. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Forest Research: A challenge for an integrated European approach. Thessaloniki, Greece, August 27–September 1, 2001, European Commission – National Agricultural Research Foundation, Vol. I:311 -316.
Boskos, L., Lyrintzis, G. and Vassilopoulos G. 2002. Αξιολόγηση στο υλοτόμιο των παραγόμενων προϊόντων, από ομήλικες και ανομήλικες συστάδες υβριδογενούς ελάτης (Abies borisii regis Mattf.). Forest Research. N.AG.RE.F. volume 15 (2002): 27-42.
Boskos, L., Lyrintzis, G., Vassilopoulos G. and Skarvelis, M. 2003. Ποσοτική και ποιοτική απόδοση πριστής ξυλείας από κορμούς μόνιμων πειραματικών επιφανειών ελάτης (Abies borissii regis Mattf.) σε ομήλικες και ανομήλικες συστάδες. Forest Research. N.AG.RE.F. volume 16 (2003): 71-82.
Papanastasis, V., Arianoutsou, M. and Lyrintzis, G. 2004. Management of biotic recourses in ancient Greece. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mediterranean climate ecosystems (MEDECOS). Rhodes island, Greece, April 25 – May 1, 2004, Millpress p.11.
Lyrintzis, G., Baloutsos, G., Karetsos, G., et al. 2008. The restoration of Archaeological and Broader Landscape of Olympia. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction at World Heritage Properties. UNESCO, Olympia, Greece, 6-7 November 2008:44-52 (
Lyrintzis, G., Baloutsos, G., Karetsos, G., et al. 2010. Olympic Rebirth. Wildfire. The Official Publication of the International Association of Wildland Fire. Vol. 19, Number 1 (2010):12-20.
Lyrintzis, G., Baloutsos, G., Karetsos, G., et al. 2011. The restoration works of the Archaeological and Broader Landscape of Olympia.N.AG.RE.F., Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems & Forest Products Technology, July 2011, pp. 29.
Lyrintzis, G., Lyrintzis, A., Chadzi, G., et al. 2014. Protection and Preservation of Olympic Landscape: The Case of Olympic Botanical Garden. Publiced in the book entitled: The Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, (2014): 38-48.
Lyrintzis, G., Proutsos, N., Karetsos, G., et al. 2015. The Plants of Olympia – Οlympic Botanical Garden – Botanical Guide. Bilingual (greek – English) edition. Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems – Hellenic Agricultural Organization “Demeter”, co-financed by Greece and the European Union, Athens 2015, pp. 144.
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