Ο Γιώργος Χ. Φθενάκης κατατάσσεται διεθνώς, με βάση την απήχηση του έργου του, στο ανώτερο 2% των επιστημόνων στο πεδίο ‘Κτηνιατρικές επιστήμες’ και έχει την καλύτερη κατάταξη στο συγκεκριμένο πεδίο στην Ελλάδα, επίσης δε έχει το μεγαλύτερο συγγραφικό έργο στο αντικείμενο των μικρών μηρυκαστικών σε όλη την Ευρώπη.
Αποφοίτησε από την Κτηνιατρική Σχολή ΑΠΘ και πραγματοποίησε μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές (MSc, PhD) στο Βασιλικό Κτηνιατρικό Κολλέγιο του Πανεπιστημίου του Λονδίνου. Έχει λάβει Ευρωπαϊκές κτηνιατρικές ειδικότητες στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο της Διαχείρισης Υγείας Μικρών Μηρυκαστικών (Dip.ECSRHM – με πρόσκληση) και στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο της Αναπαραγωγής των Ζώων (Dip.ECAR – με αναγνώριση).
Είναι καθηγητής και τέως πρόεδρος στο Τμήμα Κτηνιατρικής (2016-20), διετέλεσε δε πρόεδρος και στο Τμήμα Επιστήμης Ζωικής Παραγωγής (2019-21) του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας. Έχει διατελέσει πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαϊκού Κολλεγίου Διαχείρισης Υγείας Μικρών Μηρυκαστικών (2008-2011) και του Κλάδου Κτηνιάτρων Παραγωγικών Ζώων της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας (2009-2021). Σήμερα, διατελεί πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Αξιολόγησης Κτηνιατρικών Φαρμακευτικών και Ανοσολογικών Προϊόντων του Εθνικού Οργανισμού Φαρμάκων.
Μετά από σχετικές προσκλήσεις, έχει πραγματοποιήσει διδασκαλία στις Κτηνιατρικές Σχολές των Πανεπιστημίων Edinburgh, Guelph, Hannover, Liverpool και Zaragoza.
Έχει επιβλέψει με επιτυχία ένδεκα διδακτορικές διατριβές και ένα πρόγραμμα Ευρωπαϊκής κτηνιατρικής ειδικότητας.
Διετέλεσε επιστημονικά υπεύθυνος σε 30 ερευνητικά έργα χρηματοδοτημένα από δημόσιους (Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση, Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή) ή ιδιωτικούς φορείς, μεταξύ αυτών το ερευνητικό έργο ‘Goshomics’ (προϋπολογισμός: 1.788.500 €, 10 εταίροι) και το έργο ‘Απόκτηση ακαδημαϊκής διδακτικής εμπειρίας από νέους επιστήμονες στο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας’ (συνολικός προϋπολογισμός: 6.150.000 €).
Το δημοσιευμένο επιστημονικό έργο του περιλαμβάνει 245 άρθρα σε περιοδικά με κριτές (σωρευτικός συντελεστής απήχησης: 604,5) και έχει λάβει 5.660 αναφορές (h-index: 41). Έχει διατελέσει επιμελητής σύνταξης στα περιοδικά Small Ruminant Research, BMC Veterinary Research, Journal of Dairy Research και Περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας και επιμελητής θεματικών τόμων στα περιοδικά Animal Reproduction Science, Pathogens, Veterinary Microbiology και Veterinary Parasitology. Έχει δημοσιεύσει τέσσερα βιβλία στην ελληνική ή την αγγλική γλώσσα.
Έχει δημοσιεύσει 540 περιλήψεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών ή εθνικών συνεδρίων και έχει πραγματοποιήσει 81 παρουσιάσεις ως προσκεκλημένος ομιλητής. Ήταν υπεύθυνος για τη διοργάνωση του 6ου Παγκόσμιου Συνεδρίου Κτηνιατρικής Προβάτων (2005), του 1ου Ευρωπαϊκού Συνεδρίου Διαχείρισης Υγείας Μικρών Μηρυκαστικών (2011) και των 11ου (2009) και 13ου (2015) Πανελλήνιων Κτηνιατρικών Συνεδρίων.
Έχει συμμετάσχει σε διάφορα διεθνή ή εθνικά όργανα ή επιτροπές, μεταξύ των οποίων: η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή για τις Κτηνιατρικές Ειδικότητες, η Γενική Συνέλευση της Πανευρωπαϊκής Κτηνιατρικής Ομοσπονδίας, τα Διοικητικά Συμβούλια της Ελληνικής Γεωργικής Ακαδημίας και της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας και η διεθνής επιτροπή για την Υγεία και ευζωία των προβάτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Αρχής για την Ασφάλεια των Τροφίμων.
Έχει τιμηθεί με εύφημη μνεία από την Ελληνική Κτηνιατρική Εταιρεία (2005), με το βραβείο ‘Allan Baldry’ από την Βρετανική Εταιρεία Κτηνιατρικής Προβάτων (2006), με τιμητικό βραβείο από το Φιλοζωικό Όμιλο Καρδίτσας (2008) και με το βραβείο ‘Κωνσταντίνος Ταρλατζής’ από την Ελληνική Κτηνιατρική Εταιρεία (2009). Έχει εκλεγεί τακτικό ισόβιο μέλος της Ελληνικής Γεωργικής Ακαδημίας (2010). Επίσης, τού έχουν απονεμηθεί τρία βραβεία ακαδημαϊκής Αριστείας από το Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων για την ερευνητική δραστηριότητά του (2012, 2013, 2014 – ο μόνος Έλληνας κτηνίατρος στον οποίο έχουν απονεμηθεί αυτά τα βραβεία), βραβείο από τον Πανελλήνιο Κτηνιατρικό Σύλλογο για το συνολικό επιστημονικό έργο του (2013), διάκριση Αριστείας από το Ευρωπαϊκό Κολέγιο Διαχείρισης Υγείας Μικρών Μηρυκαστικών (2014) και βραβείο από τον Πανελλήνιο Κτηνιατρικό Σύλλογο για την υποστήριξη του κτηνιατρικού επαγγέλματος στην Ελλάδα (2015). Τέλος, του απονεμήθηκε εύφημη μνεία από την οργανωτική επιτροπή του 9ου Παγκόσμιου Συνέδριου Κτηνιατρικής Προβάτων για τη σημαντική συμμετοχή του στο συνέδριο (2017).
Τα ενδιαφέροντά του επικεντρώνονται στη διαχείριση υγείας, τα νοσήματα και την ευζωία των μικρών μηρυκαστικών.
Άρθρα σε περιοδικά με κρίση (n=245)
-FTHENAKIS GC, JONES JET (1990). Incidence and aetiology of clinical ovine mastitis in flocks in Central Macedonia, Greece. Bulletin of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 41:133-141.
-FTHENAKIS GC, JONES JET (1990). The effect of experimentally induced subclinical mastitis on milk yield of ewes and on the growth of lambs. British veterinary Journal, 146:43-49.
-FTHENAKIS GC, JONES JET (1990). The effect of inoculation of coagulase-negative staphylococci into the ovine mammary gland. Journal of comparative Pathology, 102:211-219.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1991). Importance of colostral immunoglobulins for the protection of newborn calves. [in Greek] Agriculture and Development, 3:4-8.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1991). Treatment and prevention of bovine mastitis. [in Greek] Agriculture and Development 4:39-47.
-FTHENAKIS GC, EL-MASANNAT ETS, BOOTH JM, JONES JET (1991). Somatic cell counts of ewes' milk. British veterinary Journal, 147:575-581.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1992). Mastitis in sheep. Bulletin of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 43:155-163.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1992). Pathogenicity for mice of coagulase-negative staphylococci, isolated from cases of ovine mastitisBulletin of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 43:117-121.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1993). Natural antibacterial systems of the mammary gland of cows. [in Greek] Agriculture and Development, 12:61-64.
-FTHENAKIS GC, KYRIAZAKIS II (1993). The importance of enzyme supplementation of feedstuffs for pigs or poultry. Bulletin of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 44:170-180.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1994). Prevalence and aetiology of subclinical mastitis in ewes of Southern Greece. Small Ruminant Research, 13:293-300.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1994). Somatic cells counts: the lower, the better. Agriculture and Development, 16:51-57.
-FTHENAKIS GC, BOSCOS C (1994). Prospects for the improvement of the leucocytic response in the mammary gland of animals. Bulletin of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 45:107-111.
-FTHENAKIS GC, MARPLES RR, RICHARDSON JF, JONES JET (1994). Some properties of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from cases of ovine mastitis. Epidemiology and Infection, 112:171-176.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1995). California Mastitis Test and Whiteside Test in diagnosis of subclinical mastitis of dairy ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 16:271-276.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1995). Moxidectin: the new broad-spectrum antiparasitic against endoparasites and ectoparasites of sheep. Bulletin of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 46:91-99.
-LINDE K, FTHENAKIS GC, LIPPMANN R, KINNE J, ABRAHAM A (1995). The efficacy of a live Listeria monocytogenes combined serotype 1/2a and serotype 4b vaccine. Vaccine, 13:923-926.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1996). Somatic cell counts in milk of Welsh-Mountain, Dorset-Horn and Chios ewes throughout lactation. Small Ruminant Research, 20:155-162.
-FTHENAKIS GC (1998). Susceptibility to antibiotics of staphylococcal isolates from cases of ovine or bovine mastitis in Greece Small Ruminant Research, 28:9-13.
-FTHENAKIS GC, SARATSIS PH, TZORA A, LINDE K (1998). Naturally occurring subclinical ovine mastitis associated with Listeria monocytogenes. Small Ruminant Research, 31:23-27.
-LINDE K, FTHENAKIS GC, FICHTNER A (1998). Bacterial live vaccines with graded level of attenuation achieved by antibiotic resistance mutations: transduction experiments on the functional unit of resistance, attenuation and further accompanying markers. Veterinary Microbiology, 62:121-134.
-SARATSIS P, LEONTIDES L, TZORA A, ALEXOPOULOS C, FTHENAKIS GC (1998). Incidence risk and aetiology of mammary abnormalities in dry ewes in 10 flocks in Southern Greece. Preventive veterinary Medicine, 37:173-183.
-TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC (1998). Mastitis in dairy ewes associated with Serratia macrescens. Small Ruminant Research, 29:125-126.
-TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC, LINDE K (1998). The effects of inoculation of Listeria monocytogenes into the ovine mammary gland. Veterinary Μicrobiology, 59:193-202.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC (1999). Administration of moxidectin for treatment of sarcoptic mange in a flock of sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 31:165-168.
-SARATSIS PH, ALEXOPOULOS C, TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC (1999). The effect of experimentally induced subclinical mastitis on the milk yield of dairy ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 32:205-209.
-TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC (1999). Evaluation of the reaction of sheep during or after injection with moxidectin 1% injectable solution. Small Ruminant Research, 31:169-171.
-TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC (1999). Safety of moxidectin 1% injectable solution and 0.1% oral drench for lambs younger than one month. Small Ruminant Research, 32:285-287.
-FTHENAKIS GC (2000). Field evaluation of flunixin meglumine in the supportive treatment of ovine mastitis. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 23:405-407.
-FTHENAKIS GC, LEONTIDES LS, AMIRIDIS GS, SARATSIS P (2000). Incidence risk and clinical features of retention of foetal membranes in ewes in 28 flocks in southern Greece. Preventive veterinary Medicine, 43:85-90.
-FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E, HIMONAS C, LEONTIDES L, KRITAS S, PAPATSAS J (2000). Efficacy of moxidectin against sarcoptic mange and effects on milk yield of ewes and growth of lambs. Veterinary Parasitology, 87:207-216.
-LEONTIDES L, FTHENAKIS GC, AMIRIDIS GS, SARATSIS P (2000). A matched case-control study of factors associated with retention of fetal membranes in dairy ewes in Southern Greece. Preventive veterinary Medicine, 44:113-120.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC, HIMONAS C, TZORA A, LEONTIDES L (2000). Persistent efficacy of moxidectin against Sarcoptes scabiei in sheep. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 23:111-112.
-SAOULIDIS K, KRITAS SK, FTHENAKIS GC, KYRIAKIS SK, ALEXOPOULOS C (2000). Measurements of ammonia concentration in buildings of pig enterprises in Greece. Bulletin of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 51:124-127.
-AMIRIDIS GS, LEONTIDES L, TASSOS E, KOSTOULAS P, FTHENAKIS GC (2001). Flunixin meglumine accelerates uterine involution and shortens the calving-to-first-oesturs interval in cows with puerperal metritis. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 24:365-367.
-FTHENAKIS GC, KARAGIANNIDIS A, ALEXOPOULOS C, BROZOS C, PAPADOPOULOS E (2001). Effects of sarcoptic mange on the reproductive performance of ewes and transmission of Sarcoptes scabiei to newborn lambs. Veterinary Parasitology, 95:63-71.
-FTHENAKIS GC, KARAGIANNIDIS A, ALEXOPOULOS C, BROZOS C, SARATSIS P, KYRIAKIS S (2001). Clinical and epidemiological findings during ram examination in 47 flocks in southern Greece. Preventive veterinary Medicine, 52:43-52.
-FTHENAKIS GC, MANOS G, BROZOS C (2001). Plants and phytotoxins causing toxic effects in embryos of ewes or does. Bulletin of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 52:370-376.
-GOULETSOU N, LAINAS T, FTHENAKIS GC (2001). Vasectomy in the ram. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 52:430-433.
-LEONTIDES L, FTHENAKIS GC, TZORA A (2001). Lack of association between retention of fetal membranes and mastitis in ewes. The veterinary Record, 148:52-53.
-PANOUSIS N, BROZOS C, FTHENAKIS GC, KARATZIAS C (2001). Pregnancy toxaemia of ewes. Bulletin of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 52:89-96.
-AMIRIDIS GS, REKKAS CA, FTHENAKIS GC, VAINAS E, LYMBEROPOULOS A, CHRISTODOULOU V, BELIBASAKI S (2002). Progesterone concentration as an indicator of ovarian response to superovulation in Chios ewes. Theriogenology, 57:1143-1150.
-CHRISTODOULOPOULOS G, WARNICK LD, PAPAIOANNOU N, FTHENAKIS GC (2002). Tilmicosin administration to young lambs with respiratory infection: safety and efficacy considerations. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 25:393-397.
-GOULETSOU N, FTHENAKIS GC, GALATOS AD (2002). Nutritional support and health care of orphan puppies or kittens during the first weeks of life. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 52:345-351.
-GOULETSOU N, LAINAS T, FTHENAKIS GC (2002). The importance of clinical examination and reproductive evaluation of rams. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 52:257-264.
-TZORA A, LEONTIDES LS, AMIRIDIS GS, MANOS G, FTHENAKIS GC (2002). Bacteriological and epidemiological findings during examination of the uterine content of ewes with retention of fetal membranes. Theriogenology, 57:1809-1817.
-ALEXOPOULOS C, FTHENAKIS GC, BURRIEL A, BOURTZI-HATZOPOULOU E, KRITAS SK, SBIRAKI A, KYRIAKIS SC (2003). The effects of the periodical use of in-feed chlortetracycline on the reproductive performance of gilts and sows of a commercial pig farm with a history of clinical and subclinical viral and bacterial infections. Reproduction in domestic Animals, 38:187-192.
-AMIRIDIS GS, FTHENAKIS GC, DAFOPOULOS J, PAPANIKOLAOU T, MAVROGIANNI VS (2003). Use of cefquinome for prevention and treatment of bovine endometritis. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 26:387-390.
-GOULETSOU PG, AMIRIDIS GS, CRIPPS PJ, LAINAS T, DELIGIANNIS K, SARATSIS P, FTHENAKIS GC (2003). Ultrasonographic appearance of clinically healthy testicles and epididymides of rams. Theriogenology, 59:1959-1972.
-SAMARTZI F, FTHENAKIS GC (2003). Control of oestrous cycle in small ruminants. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 54:351-361.
-SBIRAKI AP, SAOULIDIS K, KYRIAKIS SC, SARATSIS P, ALEXOPOULOS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2003). Effects of chlortetracycline administration on the health status and performance of sows: results of a field trial. Journal of swine Health and Production, 11:117-126.
-BURRIEL AR, CHRISTODOULOPOULOS G, BISIAS G, FTHENAKIS GC (2004). Comparison of fluorescence polarization assay, indirect ELISA and competitive ELISA methods for diagnosis of Brucella melitensis-infection in small ruminants. Small Ruminant Research, 54:243-247.
-FTHENAKIS GC (2004). Effects of retention of fetal membranes on subsequent reproductive performance of dairy ewes. Theriogenology, 61:129-135.
-FTHENAKIS GC, LEONTIDES L, SKOUFOS J, TAITZOGLOU IA, TZORA A (2004). Case report: high prevalence rate of ovine mastitis, caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci and predisposed by increased gossypol consumption. Small Ruminant Research, 52:185-189.
-GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC, CRIPPS PJ, PAPAIOANNOY N, LAINAS T, PSALLA D, AMIRIDIS GS (2004). Experimentally induced orchitis associated with Arcanobacterium pyogenes: clinical, ultrasonographic, seminological and pathological features Theriogenology, 62:1307-1328.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, ALEXOPOULOS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2004). Field evaluation of flunixin meglumine in the supportive treatment of caprine mastitis. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 27:373-375.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2004). Defence mechanisms in the bovine mammary gland. [in Greek with English abstract] Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 55:235-246.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC, BURRIEL AR, GOULETSOU P, PAPAIOANNOU N, TAITZOGLOU IA (2004). Experimentally induced teat stenosis in dairy ewes: clinical, pathological and ultrasonographic features. Journal of comparative Pathology, 130:70-74.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E, SKOUFOS J, CHRISTODOULOPOULOS G, TZORA A (2004). Safety and reproductive safety of moxidectin for goats. Small Ruminant Research, 54:33-41.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, SOTIRAKI S, HIMONAS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2004). Treatment of small lungworm infestation in sheep by using moxidectin. Veterinary Parasitology, 121:329-336.
-FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E, HIMONAS C (2005). Effects of three anthelmintic regimes on milk yield of ewes and growth of lambs. Journal of veterinary Medicine A, 52:78-82.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2005). Efficacy of difloxacin against respiratory infections of lambs. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 28:325-328.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC, BROOKS H, PAPAIOANNOU N, CRIPPS PJ, TAITZOGLOU I, BRELLOU G, SARATSIS P (2005). The effects of inoculation of Mannheimia haemolytica into the teat of lactating ewes. Veterinary Research, 36:13-25.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, MAVROGIANNI VS, PTOCHOS S, TSAKALIDIS S, FTHENAKIS GC (2005). Evaluation of the efficacy of moxidectin in a herd of goats after long-standing consistent use. Small Ruminant Research, 57:271-275.
-FTHENAKIS GC, CHRISTODOULOPOULOS G, LEONTIDES L, TZORA A (2006). Abortion in ewes associated with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Small Ruminant Research, 63:183-188.
-GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC (2006). Ovine orchitis, with special reference to orchitis associated with Arcanobacterium pyogenes. Small Ruminant Research, 62:71-74.
-GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC, TZORA A, CRIPPS PJ, SARATSIS P (2006). Isolation of Arcanobacterium pyogenes from the scrotal skin and the prepuce of healthy rams or rams with testicular abnormalities. Small Ruminant Research, 63:177-182.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, CRIPPS PJ, FTHENAKIS GC (2006). Description and validation of a novel technique to study the bacterial flora of the teat duct of ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 66:258-264.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, CRIPPS PJ, PAPAIOANNOU N, TAITZOGLOU I, FTHENAKIS GC (2006). Teat disorders predispose ewes to clinical mastitis after challenge with Mannheimia haemolytica. Veterinary Research, 37:89-105.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, CRIPPS PJ, TZORA A, SKOUFOS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2006). Effects of hand-milking on the bacterial flora of mammary gland and teat duct of ewes. Journal of Dairy Research, 73:353-356.
-SKOUFOS J, MAVROGIANNI VS, TZORA A, MAVROMMATIS I, ALEXOPOULOS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2006). Use of lincomycin to control respiratory infections in lambs: effects on health and production. Small Ruminant Research, 66:214-221.
-GOUGOULIS DA, KYRIAZAKIS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Patterns of maternal behaviour of ewes and sucking behaviour of lambs. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 58:44-60.
-BROZOS CN, KIOSSIS E, FTHENAKIS GC, TSOUSIS G, BOSCOS C (2007). Supplementation of lactating ewes with a glucogenic preparation or β-carotene in mid- to late lactation on subsequent milk yield and luteinizing hormone secretion. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87:185-190.
-FRAGKOU IA, MAVROGIANNI VS, CRIPPS PJ, GOUGOULIS DA, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). The bacterial flora in the teat duct of ewes can protect against and can cause mastitis. Veterinary Research, 38:525-545.
-FRAGKOU IA, MAVROGIANNI VS, PAPAIOANNOU N, BOSCOS C, CRIPPS PJ, SKOUFOS J, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Presence of sub-epithelial lymphoid nodules in the teat of ewe-lambs and adult ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 70:286-291.
-FRAGKOU IA, PAPAIOANNOU N, CRIPPS PJ, BOSCOS CM, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Teat lesions predispose to invasion of the ovine mammary gland by Mannheimia haemolytica. Journal of comparative Pathology, 137:239-244.
-FRAGKOU IA, SKOUFOS J, CRIPPS PJ, KYRIAZAKIS I, PAPAIOANNOU N, BOSCOS CM, TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Differences in susceptibility to Mannheimia haemolytica-associated mastitis between two breeds of dairy sheep. Journal of Dairy Research, 74:349-355.
-GOUGOULIS DA, KYRIAZAKIS I, MAVROGIANNI VS, FRAGKOU IA, SKOUFOS J, TZORA A, TAITZOGLOU IA, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Patterns of maternal - offspring behaviour of dairy sheep and potential association with mammary health. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87:469-478.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, AMIRIDIS GS, GOUGOULIS DA, FRAGKOU IA, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Efficacy of difloxacin for the control of post-partum uterine infections of ewes. Journal of veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 30:583-585.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, CRIPPS PJ, BROOKS H, TAITZOGLOU IA, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Presence of sub-epithelial lymphoid nodules in the teat of ewes. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 36:168-171.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, CRIPPS PJ, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Bacterial flora and risk of infection of ovine teat duct and mammary gland throughout lactation. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 79:163-173.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Clinical, bacteriological, cytological and pathological features of teat disorders in ewes. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A, 54:219-223.
-SKOUFOS J, CHRISTODOULOPOULOS G, FRAGKOU IA, TZORA A, GOUGOULIS DA, ORFANOU DC, TSIOLAKI K, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Efficacy of marbofloxacin against respiratory infections of lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 71:304-309.
-VERVERIDIS HN, MAVROGIANNI VS, FRAGKOU IA, ORFANOU DC, GOUGOULIS DA, TZIVARA A, GOULETSOU PG, ATHANASIOU L, BOSCOS CM, FTHENAKIS GC (2007). Experimental staphylococcal mastitis in bitches: clinical, bacteriological, cytological, haematological and pathological features. Veterinary Microbiology, 124:95-106.
-ORFANOU DC, VERVERIDIS CN, FTHENAKIS GC (2008). Pathological conditions of the puerperium in dogs – part I. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 59:111-125.
-FRAGKOU IA, SOLOMAKOS N, DAGLEISH MP, CRIPPS PJ, PAPAIOANNOU N, BOSCOS CM, VERVERIDIS HN, BILLINIS C, ORFANOU DC, GOVARIS A, KYRIAZAKIS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2008). Effects of experimental challenge of ewes with Mannheimia haemolytica on subsequent milk composition. Journal of Dairy Research, 75:340-346.
-FTHENAKIS GC (2008). Veterinary specialization in small ruminant health management: foundation of a European College of Small Ruminant Health Management [ECSRHM]. Small Ruminant Research, 76:49-54.
-GOUGOULIS DA, KYRIAZAKIS I, PAPAIOANNOU N, PAPADOPOULOS E, TAITZOGLOU IA, FTHENAKIS GC (2008). Subclinical mastitis changes the patterns of maternal–offspring behaviour in dairy sheep. The veterinary Journal, 176:378-386.
-GOUGOULIS DA, KYRIAZAKIS I, TZORA A, TAITZOGLOU IA, SKOUFOS J, FTHENAKIS GC (2008). Effects of lamb sucking on the bacterial flora of teat duct and mammary gland of ewes. Reproduction in domestic Animals, 43:22-26.
-GOULETSOU PG, GALATOS AD, FTHENAKIS GC (2008). Clinical, ultrasonographic and pathological features following unilateral vasectomy in rams. Animal Reproduction Science, 103:52-68.
-FTHENAKIS GC (2009). A new opportunity for veterinarians: membership of the European College of Small Ruminant Health Management [ECSRHM]. Small Ruminant Research, 86:30-33.
-ORFANOU DC, VERVERIDIS HN, POURLIS A, FRAGKOU IA, KOKOLI AN, BOSCOS CM, TAITZOGLOU IA, TZORA A, NEROU CM, ATHANASIOU L, FTHENAKIS GC (2009). Post-partum involution of the canine uterus - Gross-anatomical and histological features. Reproduction in domestic Animals, 44(Suppl. 2):152-155.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, FRAGKOU IA, MAVROGIANNI VS, GOUGOULIS DA, ORFANOU DC, GALLIDIS E, PTOCHOS S, TAITZOGLOU IA, PARKER L, FTHENAKIS GC (2009). Persistent efficacy of long-acting moxidectin for control of trichostrongylid infections of sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 81:171-173.
-VALASI I, FTHENAKIS GC, PRASSINOS NN, MENEGATOS I, GRIGOROPOULOU V, DELIGIANNIS C, VAINAS E, AMIRIDIS GS (2009). The effect of repeated follicular aspiration on the onset of puberty and growth rate of winter- or autumn-born lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 84:35-40.
-FRAGKOU IA, DAGLEISH MP, PAPAIOANNOU N, CRIPPS, PJ, BOSCOS CM, VERVERIDIS HN, ORFANOU DC, SOLOMAKOS N, FINLAYSON J, GOVARIS A, KYRIAZAKIS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). The induction of lymphoid follicle-like structures in the ovine teat duct following experimental infection with Mannheimia haemolytica. Veterinary Journal, 184:194-200.
-FRAGKOU IA, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). Diagnostic investigation of cases of deaths of newborn lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 92:41-44.
-GOUGOULIS DA, KYRIAZAKIS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). Diagnostic significance of behaviour changes of sheep: a selected review. Small Ruminant Research, 92:52-56.
-GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). Clinical evaluation of reproductive soundness of rams. Small Ruminant Research, 92:45-51.
-ORFANOU DC, POURLIS A, VERVERIDIS HN, MAVROGIANNI VS, TAITZOGLOU IA, BOSCOS CM, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). Histological features in the mammary gland of female dogs. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 39:473-478.
-ORFANOU DC, VERVERIDIS HN, BOSCOS CM, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). Post-partum pathological conditions in the bitch - Part I. European Journal of companion Animal Practice, 20:21-29.
-ORFANOU DC, VERVERIDIS HN, BOSCOS CM, FTHENAKIS GC (2010). Post-partum pathological conditions in the bitch - Part II. European Journal of companion Animal Practice, 20:119-126.
-BROZOS C, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2011). Treatment and control of peri-parturient metabolic diseases in sheep and goats: pregnancy toxaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice, 27:105-113.
-FRAGKOU IA, GOUGOULIS DA, BILLINIS C, MAVROGIANNI VS, BUSHNELL MJ, CRIPPS PJ, TZORA A, FTHENAKIS GC (2011). Transmission of Mannheimia haemolytica from the tonsils of lambs to the teat of ewes during sucking. Veterinary Microbiology, 148:66-74.
-GIADINIS ND, PANOUSIS N, PETRIDOU EJ, SIARKOU VI, LAFI SQ, POURLIOTIS K, HATZOPOULOU E, FTHENAKIS GC (2011). Selenium, vitamin E and vitamin A blood concentrations in dairy sheep flocks with increased or low clinical mastitis incidence. Small Ruminant Research, 95:193-196.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, MENZIES PI, FRAGKOU IA, FTHENAKIS GC (2011). Principles of mastitis treatment in sheep and goats. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice, 27:115-120.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, PAPADOPOULOS E, FRAGKOU IA, GOUGOULIS DA, VALASI E, ORFANOU DC, PTOCHOS S, GALLIDIS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2011). Administration of a long-acting antiparasitic to pre-pubertal ewe-lambs in Greece results in earlier reproductive activity and improved reproductive performance. Veterinary Parasitology, 177:139-144.
-ORFANOU DC, PAPADOPOULOS E, CRIPPS PJ, ATHANASIOU LV, FTHENAKIS GC (2011). Myiasis in a dog shelter in Greece: epidemiological and clinical characteristics and therapeutic considerations. Veterinary Parasitology, 181:374-378.
-BILLINIS C, MAVROGIANNI VS, SPYROY V, FTHENAKIS GC (2012). Phylogenetic analysis of strains of Orf virus isolated from two outbreaks of the disease in sheep in Greece. Virology Journal, 9:24.
-FTHENAKIS GC, ARSENOS G, BROZOS C, FRAGKOU IA, GIADINIS ND, GIANNENAS I, MAVROGIANNI VS, PAPADOPOULOS E, VALASI I (2012). Health management of ewes during pregnancy. Animal Reproduction Science, 130:198-212.
-GELASAKIS AI, ARSENOS G, VALERGAKIS GE, OIKONOMOU G, KIOSSIS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2012). Study of factors affecting udder traits and assessment of their interrelationships with milking efficiency in Chios breed ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 103:232-239.
-GIADINIS N, ARSENOS G, TSAKOS P, PSYCHAS V, DOVAS C, PAPADOPOULOS E, KARATZIAS H, FTHENAKIS GC (2012). "Milk drop syndrome" in dairy ewes: clinical and diagnostic approach. Small Ruminant Research, 106:33-35.
-ORFANOU DC, FRAGKOU IA, FTHENAKIS GC, MAVROGIANNI VS (2012). Control of liver abscess in lambs by using marbofloxacin. Journal of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 63:213-216.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2012). Sarcoptic mange in guanacos: transmission to sheep and goats and treatment with moxidectin. Journal of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 63:207-212.
-PETRIDIS IG, MAVROGIANNI VS, GOUGOULIS DA, AMIRIDIS GS, BROZOS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2012). Effects of drying-off procedure of ewes’ udder, with intramammary antibiotic administration, in subsequent mammary infection and development of mastitis. Journal of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 63:273-282.
-VALASI I, CHADIO S, FTHENAKIS GC, AMIRIDIS GS (2012). Management of pre-pubertal small ruminants: physiological basis and clinical approach. Animal Reproduction Science, 130:126-134.
-CHATZOPOULOS DC, ATHANASIOU LV, SPYROY V, FTHENAKIS GC, BILLINIS C (2013). Rotavirus infections in domestic animals. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 64:145-160.
-FRAGKOU IA, PAPADOPOULOS E, STAVRAKAKI S, MAVROGIANNI VS, GALLIDIS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2013). Observation in ovine myiosis in ovine myiosis in Greece, with special reference to clinical findings and treatment of genital myiosis. Small Ruminant Research, 110:104-107.
-GELASAKIS AI, OIKONOMOU G, BICALHO RC, VALERGAKIS GE, FTHENAKIS GC, ARSENOS G (2013). Clinical characteristics of lameness and potential risk factors in intensive and semi-intensive dairy sheep flocks in Greece. Journal of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 64:123-130.
-GIADINIS ND, POLIZOPOULOY ZS, FTHENAKIS GC (2013). Differential diagnosis of neurological diseases of small ruminants. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 64:275-296.
-KOUTSOUMPAS AT, GIADINIS ND, PETRIDOU E, KONSTANTINOU C, BROZOS C, LAFI SQ, FTHENAKIS GC, KARATZIAS H (2013). Consequences of reduced vitamin A administration on mammary health of dairy ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 110:120-123.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, GALLIDIS E, PTOCHOS S, FTHENAKIS GC (2013). Evaluation of the FAMACHA® system for targeted selective anthelmintic treatments for potential use in small ruminants in Greece. Small Ruminant Research, 110:120-127.
-PAPADOPOULOS E, MAVROGIANNI VS, MITSOURA A, PTOCHOS S, SPANOS SA, FTHENAKIS GC (2013). Potential association between trematode infections and development of pregnancy toxaemia in sheep. Helminthologia, 50:161-166.
-PETRIDIS IG, MAVROGIANNI VS, FRAGKOU IA, GOUGOULIS DA, TZORA A, FOTOU K, AMIRIDIS GS, BROZOS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2013). Effects of drying-off procedure of ewes’ udder in subsequent mammary infection and development of mastitis. Small Ruminant Research, 110:128-132.
-SARAFIDOU T, STAMATIS C, KALOZOUMI G, SPYROU V, FTHENAKIS GC, BILLINIS C, MAMOURIS Z (2013). Toll Like Receptor 9 (TLR9) polymorphism G520R in sheep is associated with susceptibility to Small Ruminant Lentivirus infection. Plos One, 8:e63901.
-TSIOLI V, FARMAKI R, PAPASTEFANOU A, GALATOS AD, MARINOU M, TONTIS D, MAVROGIANNI VS, DOUKAS D, SARIDOMICHELAKIS MN, FTHENAKIS GC (2013). A case of bilateral auricular haematoma in a ewe-lamb with sarcoptic mange. Small Ruminant Research, 110:145-149.
-VALASI I, THEODOSIADOU E, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPANIKOLAOU T, DELIGIANNIS C, KALOGIANNIS D, CHADIO S, AMIRIDIS GS (2013). Endocrinological profile and follicular development in cyclic ewes subjected to repeated ovum pick-up. Animal Reproduction Science, 138:180-187.
-FRAGKOU IA, BOSCOS CM, FTHENAKIS GC (2014). Diagnosis of clinical or subclinical mastitis in ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 118:86-92.
-ILLMANN G, KEELING L, MELISOVA M, SIMENKOVA M, ILIESKI V, WINCKLER R, KOSTAL L, MEUNIER-SALAUN MC, MIHINA S, SPOOLDER H, FTHENAKIS G, SPINKA M (2014). Mapping farm animal welfare education at university level in Europe. Animal Welfare, 23:401-410.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, PAPADOPOULOS E, SPANOS SA, MITSOURA A, PTOCHOS S, GOUGOULIS DA, BARBAGIANNI MS, KYRIAZAKIS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2014). Trematode infections in pregnant ewes can predispose to mastitis during the subsequent lactation period. Research in veterinary Science, 96:171-179.
-PETRIDIS IG, FTHENAKIS GC (2014). Administration of antibiotics to ewes at the beginning of the ‘dry-period’. Journal of Dairy Research, 81:9-15.
-PETRIDIS IG, GOULETSOU PG, BARBAGIANNI MS, AMIRIDIS GS, BROZOS C, VALASI I, FTHENAKIS GC (2014). Ultrasonographic findings in the ovine udder during involution. Journal of Dairy Research, 81:288-296.
-BARBAGIANNI MS, GIANNENAS E, PAPADOPOULOS E, PETRIDIS IG, SPANOS SA, GOULETSOU PG, VALASI I, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Pregnancy toxaemia in ewes: development of an experimental model and potential interactions with gastrointestinal nematode infections. Small Ruminant Research, 133:102-107.
-BARBAGIANNI MS, GOULETSOU PG, VALASI I, PETRIDIS IG, GIANNENAS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Ultrasonographic findings in the ovine udder during lactogenesis in healthy ewes or ewes with pregnancy toxaemia. Journal of Dairy Research, 82:293-303.
-BARBAGIANNI MS, MAVROGIANNI VS, KATSAFADOU AI, SPANOS AS, TSIOLI V, GALATOS A, NAKOU M, VALASI I, GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Pregnancy toxaemia as risk factor for development of mastitis in sheep during the immediately post-partum period. Small Ruminant Research, 130:246-251.
-BARBAGIANNI MS, SPANOS AS, IOANNIDI KS, VASILEIOU NGC, KATSAFADOU AI, VALASI I, GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Increased incidence of peri-parturient problems in ewes with pregnancy toxaemia. Small Ruminant Research, 132:111-114.
-CAROPRESE M, GIANNENAS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Interactions between nutritional approaches and defences against microbial diseases in small ruminants. Veterinary Microbiology, 181:8-14.
-CHATZOPOULOS DC, VALIAKOS G, GIANNAKOPOULOS A, BIRTSAS P, SOKOS C, VASILEIOU NCG, PAPASPYROPOULOS K, TSOKANA CN, SPYROU V, FTHENAKIS GC, BILLINIS C (2015). Bluetongue Virus in wild ruminants in Europe: concerns and facts, with a brief reference to bluetongue in cervids in Greece during the 2014 outbreak. Small Ruminant Research, 128:79-87.
-FTHENAKIS GC, MAVROGIANNI VS, GALLIDES E, PAPADOPOULOS E (2015). Interactions between parasitic infections and reproductive efficiency in sheep. Veterinary Parasitology, 208:56-66.
-GELASAKIS AI, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETRIDIS IG, VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Mastitis in sheep – The last 10 years and the future of research. Veterinary Microbiology, 181:136-146.
-GOULETSOU PG, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Microbial diseases of the genital system of rams or bucks. Veterinary Microbiology, 181:130-135.
-KATSAFADOU AI, TSANGARIS GT, BILLINIS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Use of proteomics in the study of microbial diseases in small ruminants. Veterinary Microbiology, 181:27-33.
-KYRIAKIS CS, BILLINIS C, PAPADOPOULOS E, VASILEIOU NGC, ATHANASIOU LV, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Bluetongue in small ruminants: an opinionated review, with a brief appraisal of the 2014 outbreak of the disease in Greece. Veterinary Microbiology, 181:66-74.
-LACASTA D, FERRER LM, RAMOS JJ, GONZALEZ JM, ORTIN A, FTHENAKIS GC (2015). Vaccination schedules in small ruminant farms. Veterinary Microbiology, 181:34-46.
-LOMAS AJ, RYAN CNM, SORUSHANOVA A, SHOLOGU N, SIDERI AI, TSIOLI V, FTHENAKIS GC, TZORA A, SKOUFOS I, QUINLAN L, O’LAIGHIN G, MULLEN AM, KELLY JL, KEARNS S, BIGGS M, PANDIT A, ZEUGOLIS DI (2015). The past, present and future of scaffold-based tendon treatments. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 84:257-277.
-SARROU S, LIAKOPOULOS A, CHASIOTI M, FOKAS A, FTHENAKIS G, BILLINIS C, SPYROU V, PANTELIDI K, ROUSSAKI-SCHULZE A, LACHANAS V, MAKARITSIS K, SKOULAKIS C, DAIKOS GL, DALEKOS G, SPILIOPOULOU I, PETINAKI E. (2015). Dissemination of methicillin-susceptible CC398 Staphylococcus aureus strains in rural Greek area. Plos One, 10:e0122761.
-VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E (2015). Dissemination of parasites by animal movements in small ruminant farms. Veterinary Parasitology, 213:56-60.
-ABD EL-TAWAB MM, YOUSSEF IMI, BAKR HA, FTHENAKIS GC, GIADINIS ND (2016) Role of probiotics in nutrition and health of small ruminants. Polish Journal of veterinary Sciences 19, 893-906.
-ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, KATSAFADOU AI, PIERROS V, KONTOPODIS E, FTHENAKIS GC, ARSENOS G, KARKABOUNAS SC, TZORA A, SKOUFOS I, TSANGARIS GT (2016). Dataset of milk whey proteins of three indigenous Greek sheep breeds. Data in Brief, 8:877-880.
-ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, KATSAFADOU AI, PIERROS V, KONTOPODIS E, FTHENAKIS GC, ARSENOS G, KARKABOUNAS SC, TZORA A, SKOUFOS I, TSANGARIS GT (2016). Dataset of milk whey proteins of two indigenous Greek goat breeds. Data in Brief, 8:692-696.
-ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, KATSAFADOU AI, PIERROS V, KONTOPODIS E, FTHENAKIS GC, ARSENOS G, KARKABOUNAS SC, TZORA A, SKOUFOS I, TSANGARIS GT (2016). Milk of Greek sheep and goat breeds; characterization by means of proteomics. Journal of Proteomics, 147:76-84.
-CAROPRESE M, NAPOLITANO F, MATIELLO S, FTHENAKIS GC, RIBO O, SEVI A (2016). On farm welfare monitoring of small ruminants. Small Ruminant Research, 135:20-25.
-CHATZOPOULOS DC, SARROU S, VASILEIOU NGC, IOANNIDI KS, PETEINAKI E, VALIAKOS G, TSOKANA K, PAPADOPOULOS E, SPYROU V, GIANNAKOPOULOS A, SBIRAKI A, LACASTA D, BUESO JP, ATHANASIOU LV, BILLINIS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2016). Dissemination of intestinal pathogens between lambs and puppies in sheep farms. Small Ruminant Research, 141:5-10.
-CHOUZOURIS TM, DOVOLOU E, DAFOPOULOS K, GEORGOULIAS P, VASILEIOU NG, FTHENAKIS GC, ANIFANDIS G, AMIRIDIS GS (2016). Ghrelin suppresses the GnRH-induced preovulatory gonadotropin surge in dairy heifers. Theriogenology, 86:1615-1621.
-GIANNAKOPOULOS A, VALIAKOS G, PAPASPYROPOULOS K, DOUGAS G, KOROU LM, TASIOUDI KE, FTHENAKIS GC, HUTCHINGS MR, KAIMARAS D, TSOKANA CN, ILIADOU P, SPYROU V, TZANI M, BIRTSAS P, KOSTOUGLOU P, SOKOS C, DOUDOUNAKIS S, YON L, HANNANT D, ARTOIS M, TSIODRAS S, HADJICRISTODOULOU C, BILLINIS C (2016). Rabies outbreak in Greece during 2012-2014: use of Geographical-Information-System for analysis, risk assessment and control. Epidemiology and Infection, 144:3068-3079.
-KATSAFADOU AI, TSANGARIS AT, BILLINIS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2016). Applied proteomics in companion animal medicine. Current Proteomics, 13:165-171.
-PESCHOS D, SIMOS Y, FTHENAKIS G, ZELOVITIS J, BOULAKA A, GIOULI M, GEORGIOU E, RAGOS V, TZORA A, TSANGARIS G, EVANGELOU E, KARKABOUNAS S (2016) Functional responses of human and rabbit platelets induced by milk from indigenous Greek dairy goats (Capra prisca). Journal of applied pharmaceutical Science, 6:063-067.
-SKOUFOS I, TZORA A, KARAMOUTSIOS A, TSANGARIS G, GIANNENAS I, FTHENAKIS GC (2016). Milk quality characteristics from Greek indigenous goats. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 67:243-252.
-TZORA A, SKOUFOS J, TSINAS A, FOTOU K, KARAMOUTSIOS A, KALYVA Z, NIKOLAOU K, FTHENAKIS GC (2016). The bacterial flora of the udder of goats. Journal of the Hellenic veterinary medical Society, 67:99-108.
-ARSENOPOULOS K, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E. (2017). Sonoparasitology: an alternative approach to parasite detection in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 152:162-165.
-BARBAGIANNI MS, IOANNIDI KS, VASILEIOU NGC, MAVROGIANNI VS, ORFANOU DC, FTHENAKIS GC, VALASI E (2017). Ultrasonographic examination of pregnant ewes: from early diagnosis of pregnancy to early prediction of dystocia. Small Ruminant Research, 152:41-45.
-BARBAGIANNI MS, MAVROGIANNI VS, VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC, PETRIDIS IG (2017). Ultrasonographic examination of the udder in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 152:86-99.
-IOANNIDI KS, MAVROGIANNI VS, VALASI I, BARBAGIANNI MS, VASILEIOU NGC, AMIRIDIS GS, FTHENAKIS GC, ORFANOU DC (2017). Ultrasonographic examination of the uterus of ewes during the post-partum period. Small Ruminant Research, 152:74-85.
-MAVROGIANNI VS, PAPADOPOULOS E, GOUGOULIS DA, GALLIDIS E, PTOCHOS S, FRAGKOU IA, ORFANOU DC, FTHENAKIS GC (2017). Gastrointestinal trichostrongylosis can predispose ewes to clinical mastitis after experimental infection Veterinary Parasitology, 245:71-77.
-PAPADOPOULOS S, DELIGIANNIS C, THEODOSIADOU EK, KANTAS D, LAINAS T, GOULAS P, FTHENAKIS GC, VALASI I (2017). Fertility rate of short-term progestagen pretreated ewes in relation to breed: a field study. Journal of hellenic medical veterinary Journal, 68:035-044.
-PETRIDIS IG, BARBAGIANNI MS, IOANNIDI KS, SAMARAS E, FTHENAKIS GC, VLOUMIDI EI (2017). Doppler ultrasonographic examination in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 152:22-32.
-SKOUFOS I, TZORA A, GIANNENAS I, KARAMOUTSIOS A, TSANGARIS G, FTHENAKIS GC (2017) Milk quality characteristics of Boutsiko, Frisarta and Karagouniko sheep breeds reared in the mountainous and semimountainous areas of Western and Central Greece. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 70:345-353.
-VALASI I, BARBAGIANNI MS, IOANNIDI KS, VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC, POURLIS A (2017). Developmental anatomy of sheep embryos, as assessed by means of ultrasonographic evaluation. Small Ruminant Research, 152:56-73.
-VALASI I, THEODOSIADOU EK, PAPADOPOULOS S, BARBAGIANNI MS, NANOS A, SPANOS S, FTHENAKIS GC, CHADIO S (2017). Combined treatment of eCG and a non-selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterases for enhancing reproductive performance in ewes. Animal Reproduction, Belo Horizonte, 14:1133-1137.
-VALIAKOS G, GIANNAKOPOULOS A, SPANOS SA, KORBOU F, CHATZOPOULOS DC, MAVROGIANNI VS, SPYROU V, FTHENAKIS GC, BILLINIS C (2017). Use of Geographical Information System and Ecological Niche Model to analyse potential exposure of small ruminants to Coxiella burnetii infection in central Greece. Small Ruminant Research, 147:77-82.
-VLOUMIDI EI, FTHENAKIS GC (2017). Ultrasonographic examination of the heart in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 152:119-127.
-CHOUZOURIS TM, DOVOLOU E, GEORGOULIAS P, REKKAS A, DAFOPOULOS K, ATHANASIOU L, FTHENAKIS GC, AMIRIDIS GS (2018). Effects of pregnancy and short-lasting acute feed restriction on total ghrelin concentration and metabolic parameters in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 106:141-148.
-FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E (2018). Impact of parasitism in goat production. Small Ruminant Research, 163:21-23.
-KARAGIANNIS I, BROZOS C, KIOSSIS E, BOSCOS C, FTHENAKIS G, PANOUSIS N (2018). Associations of periparturient β-hydroxybutyric acid and non-esterified fatty acids blood serum concentrations with milk yield, milk composition and milk somatic cells count of intensively managed Chios dairy ewes. Journal of the hellenic veterinary medical Society, 69:1195-1204.
-MANTZIARAS G, VASILEIOU NGC, IOANNIDI KS, MAVROGIANNI VS, GOUGOULIS DA, FTHENAKIS GC, PETRIDIS IG, BARBAGIANNI MS (2018). Use of contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic examination to evaluate health status of mammary glands of ewes at the end of a lactation period. Journal of Dairy Research, 85:39-43.
-MICHAILIDOU S, TSANGARIS G, FTHENAKIS GC, TZORA A, SKOUFOS I, KARKABOUNAS SC, BANOS G, ARGIRIOU A, ARSENOS G (2018). Genomic diversity and population structure of three autochthonous Greek sheep breeds assessed with genome-wide DNA arrays. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 293:753-768.
-PAPAGIANNITSIS CC, MALLI E, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, SARROU S, MEDVECKY M, HRABAK J, FTHENAKIS GC, PETINAKI E (2018). First description in Greece of mphC-positive staphylococci causing subclinical mastitis in ewes. Microbial Drug Resistance, 24:7.
-PAPAGIANNITSIS CC, SARROU S, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, MALLI E, MEDVECKY M, HRABAK J, FTHENAKIS GC, PETINAKI E (2018). Characterisation of a ST100 Staphylococcus epidermidis producing an LnuB nucleotidyltransferase: evidence for interspecies spread of an lnuB-carrying transposon. Journal of global antimicrobial Resistance, 13:9-10.
-VASILEIOU NGC, CHATZOPOULOS DC, GOUGOULIS DA, SARROU S, KATSAFADOU AI, SPYROU V, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2018). Slime-producing staphylococci as causal agents of subclinical mastitis in sheep. Veterinary Microbiology, 224:93-99.
-VASILEIOU NGC, CRIPPS PJ, IOANNIDI KS, CHATZOPOULOS DC, GOUGOULIS DA, SARROU S, ORFANOU DC, POLITIS A, CALVO GONZALEZ-VALERIO T, ARGYROS S, MAVROGIANNI NS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2018). Extensive countrywide field investigation of subclinical mastitis in sheep in Greece. Journal of Dairy Science, 101:7297-7310.
-VASILEIOU NGC, GOUGOULIS DA, RIGGIO V, IOANNIDI KS, CHATZOPOULOS DC, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2018). Association of subclinical mastitis prevalence with sheep breeds in Greece. Journal of Dairy Research, 85:317-320.
-GIANNAKOPOULOS A, VASILEIOU NGC, GOUGOULIS DA, CRIPPS PJ, IOANNIDI KS, CHATZOPOULOS DC, BILLINIS C, MAVROGIANNI NS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Use of Geographical Information System and Ecological Niche Modelling for predicting potential space distribution of subclinical mastitis in ewes. Veterinary Microbiology, 228:119-128.
-KATSAFADOU AI, TSANGARIS GT, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, BILLINIS C, BARBAGIANNI MS, VASILEIOU NGC, SPANOS SA, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Differential quantitative proteomics study of experimental Mannheimia haemolytica mastitis in sheep. Journal of Proteomics, 205:103393.
-KATSAFADOU AI, TSANGARIS GT, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, BILLINIS C, BARBAGIANNI MS, VASILEIOU NGC, SPANOS SA, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Proteomics data of ovine mastitis associated with Mannheimia haemolytica. Data in Brief, 25:104259.
-KATSAFADOU AI, TSANGARIS GT, VASILEIOU NGC, IOANNIDI KS, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, BILLINIS C, FRAGKOU IA, PAPADOPOULOS E, MAVROGIANNI VS, MICHAEL C, ADDIS MF, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Detection of cathelicidin-1 in the milk as an early indicator of mastitis in ewes. Pathogens, 8:270.
-KATSAFADOU AI, POLITIS AP, MAVROGIANNI VS, BARBAGIANNI MS, VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC, FRAGKOU IA (2019). Mammary defences and immunity against mastitis. Animals, 9:726.
-KATSAFADOU AI, VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Use of proteomics in the study of mastitis in ewes. Pathogens, 8:134.
-KORDALIS NG, ARSENOPOULOS K, VASILEIOU NGC, MAVROGIANNI VS, LIANOU DT, PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Field evidence for association between increased gastrointestinal nematode burden and subclinical mastitis in dairy sheep. Veterinary Parasitology, 265:56-62.
-PETRIDIS IG, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Mammary involution and relevant udder health management in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 181:66-75.
-TSIOLI V, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Udder surgery in ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 181:76-84.
-TSIOLI V, SPANOS SA, BIKIARIS D, GRIGORIADOU I, BARBAGIANNI MS, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPAZOGLOU LG, SIDERI AI, GALATOS AD (2019). Comparative evaluation of metallic skin staples or polypropylene sutures for primary closure of teat wounds in sheep. New Zealand veterinary Journal, 67:234-240.
-VASILEIOU NGC, ARSENOPOULOS K, KATSAFADOU AI, ANGELOU A, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E (2019). Interactions between parasitism and milk production – mastitis in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 180:70-73.
-VASILEIOU NGC, CHATZOPOULOS DC, CRIPPS PJ, IOANNIDI KS, GOUGOULIS DA, CHOUZOURIS TM, LIANOU DT, CALVO GONZALEZ-VALERIO T, GUIX VALLVERDU R, ARGYROS S, CESIO M, FONT I, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Evaluation of efficacy of a biofilm-embedded bacteria-based vaccine against staphylococcal mastitis in sheep - a randomized, placebo-controlled field study. Journal of Dairy Science, 102:9328-9344.
-VASILEIOU NGC, CHATZOPOULOS DC, SARROU S, FRAGKOU IA, KATSAFADOU IA, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Role of staphylococci in mastitis in sheep. Journal of Dairy Research, 86:-254-266.
-VASILEIOU NGC, CRIPPS PJ, IOANNIDI KS, KATSAFADOU AI, CHATZOPOULOS DC, BARBAGIANNI MS, TSIOLI V, DERMISIADOU E, KARAVANIS E, PAPADOPOULOS N, LIANOU D, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Experimental study for evaluation of the efficacy of a biofilm-embedded bacteria-based vaccine against Staphylococcus chromogenes-associated mastitis in sheep. Veterinary Microbiology, 239:108480.
-VASILEIOU NGC, GIANNAKOPOULOS A, CRIPPS PJ, IOANNIDI KS, CHATZOPOULOS DC, GOUGOULIS DA, BILLINIS C, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETIΝAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Study of potential environmental factors predisposing ewes to subclinical mastitis in Greece. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 62:40-45.
-VASILEIOU NGC, GOUGOULIS DA, KATSAFADOU AI, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETIΝAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Anti-staphylococcal biofilm antibodies in ewes and association with subclinical mastitis. Small Ruminant Research, 178:117-122.
-VASILEIOU NGC, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Predisposing factors for bacterial mastitis in ewes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 54:1424-1431.
-VASILEIOU NGC, SARROU S, PAPAGIANNITSIS C, CHATZOPOULOS DC, MALLI E, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2019). Antimicrobial agent susceptibility and typing of staphylococcal isolates from subclinical mastitis in ewes. Microbial Drug Resistance, 25:1099-1110.
-ARSENOPOULOS K, MINOUDI S, SYMEONIDOU I, TRIANTAFYLLIDIS A, KATSAFADOU AI, LIANOU DT, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E (2020). Frequency of resistance to benzimidazoles of Haemonchus contortus helminths from dairy sheep, goats, cattle and buffaloes in Greece. Pathogens, 9:347.
-CHATZOPOULOS DC, LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, GOUGOULIS DA, MAVROGIANNI VS, VASILEIOU NGC, KATSAFADOU AI, POLITIS AP, KORDALIS NG, KATSAROU EI, IOANNIDI KS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2020). Streptococcus spp. from bulk-tank milk and milking machine teatcups on small ruminant farms, and factors potentially associated with their isolation. Journal of Dairy Research, 87:277-281.
-IOANNIDI KS, VASILEIOU NGC, BARBAGIANNI MS, ORFANOU DC, CHOUZOURIS TM, DOVOLOU E, CHATZOPOULOS DC, KARAVANIS E, PAPADOPOULOS N, FTHENAKIS GC, AMIRIDIS GS, MAVROGIANNI VS (2020). Clinical, ultrasonographic, bacteriological, cytological and histological findings during uterine involution in ewes with pregnancy toxaemia and subsequent reproductive efficiency uterine infection. Animal Reproduction Science, 218:106460.
-IOANNIDI KS, VASILEIOU NGC, BARBAGIANNI MS, ORFANOU DC, MANTZIARAS G, CHOUZOURIS TM, DOVOLOU E, CHATZOPOULOS DC, KARAVANIS E, PAPADOPOULOS N, KATSAFADOU AI, FRAGKOU AI, KORDALIS NG, AMIRIDIS GS, FTHENAKIS GC, MAVROGIANNI VS (2020). Clinical, ultrasonographic, bacteriological, cytological and histopathological findings of uterine involution in ewes with uterine infection. Pathogens, 9:54.
-KATSAFADOU AI, TSANGARIS GT, VASILEIOU NGC, IOANNIDI KS, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, BILLINIS C, FRAGKOU IA, PAPADOPOULOS E, MAVROGIANNI VS, MICHAEL C, ADDIS MF, FTHENAKIS GC (2020). Detailed data from experimentally-induced mastitis in ewes, with the aim to evaluate cathelicidin-1 in milk. Data in Brief, 29:105259.
-LIANOU DT, FTHENAKIS GC (2020). Scientometrics approach to research in ovine mastitis from 1970 to 2019 (with a complete list of relevant literature references). Pathogens, 9:585.
-ROMERO G, PERIS C, FTHENAKIS GC, DIAZ JR (2020). Effects of milking machine on udder health in dairy ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 188:106096.
-ARSENOPOULOS K, FTHENAKIS GC, KATSAROU E, PAPADOPOULOS E (2021). Haemonchosis: a challenging parasitic infection of sheep and goats. Animals, 11:363.
-BOUROUTZIKA E, PROIKAKIS S, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, KATSAFADOU AI, FTHENAKIS GC, TSANGARIS GT (2021). Proteomics analysis in dairy products: cheese, a review. Applied Sciences, 11:7622.
-CHATZOPOULOS DC, VASILEIOU NGC, IOANNIDI KS, KATSAFADOU AI, MAVROGIANNI VS, MICHAEL CK, KATSAROU EI, KARAVANIS E, PAPADOPOULOS N, SBIRAKI A, ATHANSIOU LV, BILLINIS C, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Experimental study of the potential role of Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae in the diarrhoeic syndrome of lambs. Pathogens, 10:113.
-FLOROU Z, ZIGRA M, KARTALIDIS P, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, PAPADAMOU G, BELIA A, FTHENAKIS GC, PETINAKI E (2021). Combination of rRT-PCR and anti-nucleocapsid/anti-spike antibodies to characterize specimens with very low viral SARs-CoV-2 load: a real-life experience. Microorganisms, 9:1263.
-KARTALIDIS P, SKOULAKIS A, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, FLOROU Z, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Clostridioides difficile as a dynamic vehicle for the dissemination of antimicrobial-resistance determinants: review and in silico analysis. Microorganisms, 9:1383.
-KATSAFADOU AI, VASILEIOU NGC, TSANGARIS GT, IOANNIDI KS, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, BILLINIS C, FRAGKOU IA, PAPADOPOULOS E, MAVROGIANNI VS, LIANOU DT, CHATZOPOULOS DC, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Presence of cathelicidin-1 in milk as an indicator of the severity of mammary infection in ewes. Current Proteomics, 18:162-168.
-KATSAROU EI, BILLINIS C, GALAMATIS D, FTHENAKIS GC, TSANGARIS GT, KATSAFADOU AI (2021). Applied proteomics in ‘One Health’. Proteomes, 9:31.
-KATSAROU EI, CHATZOPOULOS DC, GIANNOULIS T, IOANNIDI KS, KATSAFADOU AI, KONTOU PI, LIANOU DT, MAMURIS Z, MAVROGIANNI VS, MICHAEL CK, PAPADOPOULOS E, PETINAKI E, SARROU S, VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). MLST‐based analysis and antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus epidermidis from cases of sheep mastitis in Greece. Biology, 10:170.
-KATSAROU EI, KATSAFADOU AI, KARAKASIDIS T, CHATZOPOULOS DC, VASILEIOU NGC, LIANOU DT, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis on the surface of teatcups from milking parlours. Microorganisms, 9:852.
-LIANOU DT, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Dairy sheep and goat farmers: socio-demographic characteristics and their associations with health management and performance on farms. Land, 12:1358.
-LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, VASILEIOU NGC, LIAGKA DV, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Association of breed of sheep or goats with somatic cell counts and total bacterial counts of bulk-tank milk. Applied Sciences, 11:7356.
-LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, VASILEIOU NGCV, PETINAKI E, CRIPPS PJ, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, KATSAFADOU AI, POLITIS AP, KORDALIS NG, IOANNIDI KS, GOUGOULIS DA, TRIKALINOU C, ORFANOU DC, FRAGKOU IA, ANGELIDOU E, KATSAROU EI, TZORA A, ALBENZIO M, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Extensive countrywide field investigation of somatic cell counts and total bacterial counts in bulk-tank raw milk in sheep flocks in Greece. Foods, 10:268.
-LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, VASILEIOU NGCV, PETINAKI E, CRIPPS PJ, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, KATSAFADOU AI, POLITIS AP, KORDALIS NG, IOANNIDI KS, GOUGOULIS DA, TRIKALINOU C, ORFANOU DC, FRAGKOU, IA, LIAGKA DV, TZORA A, ALBENZIO M, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Extensive countrywide field investigation of somatic cell counts and total bacterial counts in bulk-tank raw milk in goat herds in Greece. Journal of Dairy Research, 88:307-313.
-LIANOU DT, PETINAKI E, CRIPPS PJ, GOUGOULIS DA, MICHAEL CK, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, SKOULAKIS A, KATSAFADOU AI, VASILEIOU NGC, GIANNOULIS T, VOIDAROU C, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Antibiotic resistance of staphylococci from bulk-tank milk of sheep flocks: prevalence, patterns, association with biofilm formation, effects on milk quality, and risk factors. Biology, 10:1016.
-LIANOU DT, PETINAKI E, CRIPPS PJ, GOUGOULIS DA, MICHAEL CK, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, SKOULAKIS A, KATSAFADOU AI, VASILEIOU NGC, GIANNOULIS T, KATSAROU EI, VOIDAROU C, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Prevalence, patterns, association with biofilm formation, effects on milk quality, and risk factors for antibiotic resistance of staphylococci from bulk-tank milk of goat herds. Antibiotics, 10:1225.
-MICHAEL CK, LIANOU DT, VASILEIOU NGC, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, KATSAFADOU AI, POLITIS AP, KORDALIS NG, IOANNIDI KS, GOUGOULIS DG, TRIKALINOU C, ORFANOU DC, FRAGKOU IA, KONTOU PI, LIAGKA, MAVROGIANNI VS, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Association of staphylococcal populations on teatcups of milking parlours with vaccination against staphylococcal mastitis in sheep and goat farms. Pathogens, 10:385.
-POLITIS AP, VASILEIOU NGC, CRIPPS PJ, LIAGKA DV, BOUFIS PT, VALASI I, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2021). Mortality of dairy sheep during the peri-parturient period: results of a field investigation in Greece. Animals, 11:2172.
-TYRNENOPOULOU P, BOUFIS PT, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E (2021). Interactions between parasitic infections and reproductive efficiency in horses. Parasitologia, 1:148-157.
-TZORA A, NELLI A, VOIDAROU C, FTHENAKIS G, ROZOS G, THEODORIDES G, BONOS E, SKOUFOS I (2021). Microbiota “fingerprint” of Greek feta cheese through ripening. Applied Sciences, 11:5631.
-ARSENOPOULOS KV, KATSAROU EI, MENDOZA ROLDAN JA, FTHENAKIS GC, PAPADOPOULOS E (2022). Haemonchus contortus parasitism in intensively managed cross-Limousin beef calves: effects on feed conversion and carcass characteristics and potential associations with climatic conditions. Pathogens, 11:955.
-GOULETSOU PG, TSANGARIS GT, KATSAROU EI, BOURGANOU MV, BARBAGIANNI MS, VENIANAKI AP, BOUROUTZIKA E, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS AK, FTHENAKIS GC, KATSAFADOU AI (2022). Proteomics evaluation of semen of clinically healthy Beagle-breed dogs. Veterinary Sciences, 9:967.
-KATSAROU EI, LIANOU DT, PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Long‐term climatic changes in small ruminant farms in Greece and potential associations with animal health. Sustainability, 14:1673.
-LIANOU DT, ARSENOPOULOS KV, MICHAEL CK, PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Protozoan parasites in adult dairy small ruminants and potential predictors for their presence in faecal samples. Microorganisms, 10:1931.
-LIANOU DT, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Scientometrics study of research output on sheep and goats from Greece. Animals, 12:2666.
-LIANOU DT, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Use of antibiotics against bacterial infections on dairy sheep and goat farms: patterns of usage and associations with health management and human resources. Antibiotics, 11:753.
-LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, GOUGOULIS DA, CRIPPS PJ, VASILEIOU NGC, SOLOMAKOS N, PETINAKI E, KATSAFADOU AI, ANGELIDOU E, ARSENOPOULOS KV, PAPADOPOULOS E, ALBENZIO M, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE MC, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). High milk somatic cell counts and increased Teladorsagia burdens overshadow non-infection-related factors as predictors of fat and protein content of bulk-tank raw milk in sheep and goat farms. Foods, 11:443.
-LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, PETINAKI E, MAVROGIANNI VS, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Administration of vaccines in dairy sheep and goat farms: patterns of vaccination, associations with health and production parameters, predictors. Vaccines, 10:1372.
-LIANOU DT, PETINAKI E, MICHAEL CK, SKOULAKIS A, CRIPPS PJ, KATSAROU EI, PAPADOPOULOS E, BILLINIS C, KATSAFADOU AI, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Zoonotic problems reported by sheep and goat farmers and factors potentially contributing to the occurrence of brucellosis among them. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19:10372.
-LIANOU DT, SKOULAKIS A, MICHAEL CK, KATSAROU EI, CHATZOPOULOS DC, SOLOMAKOS N, TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, FLOROU Z, CRIPPS PJ, KATSAFADOU AI, VASILEIOU NGC, DIMOVELI KS, BOURGANOU MV, LIAGKA DV, PAPATSIROS VG, KONTOU PI, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE M, PETINAKI E, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Isolation of Listeria ivanovii from bulk-tank milk of sheep and goat farms - from clinical work to bioinformatics studies: prevalence, association with milk quality, antibiotic susceptibility, predictors, whole genome sequence and phylogenetic relationships. Biology, 11:871.
-LIANOU DT, VASILEIOU NGC, MICHAEL CK, VALASI I, MAVROGIANNI VS, CAROPRESE MC, FTHENAKIS GC (2022). Patterns of reproductive management in sheep and goat farms in Greece. Animals 12:3455.
-NELLI A, VOIDAROU C, VENARDOU B, FOTOU K, TSINAS A, BONOS E, FTHENAKIS GCF, SKOUFOS I, TZORA A (2022). Antimicrobial and methicillin resistance pattern of potential mastitis-inducing Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci isolates from the mammary secretion of dairy goats. Biology, 11:1591.
-TSILIPOUNIDAKI K, FLOROU Z, LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, KATSAROU EI, SKOULAKIS A, FTHENAKIS GC, PETINAKI E (2022). Detection of zoonotic gastrointestinal pathogens in dairy sheep and goats by using FilmArray® multiplex‐PCR technology. Microorganisms, 10:714.
-VASILEIOU NGC, FTHENAKIS GC, MAVROGIANNI VS (2022). Comparison of the efficacy of intramammary or injectable antibiotic administration against staphylococcal mastitis in ewes. Pathogens, 11:1164.
-VASILEIOU NGC, LIANOU DT, MICHAEL CK, FTHENAKIS GC, MAVROGIANNI VS (2022). Vaccination against bacterial mastitis in sheep. Vaccines, 10:2088.
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-LIANOU DT, ARSENOPOULOS KV, MICHAEL CK, MAVROGIANNI VS, PAPADOPOULOS E, FTHENAKIS GC (2023). Helminth infections in dairy sheep found in an extensive countrywide study in Greece and potential predictors for their presence in faecal samples. Microorganisms, 10:1931.
-PELEKI C, KIOSIS E, POLIZOPOULOU, TSOUSIS G, FTHENAKIS GC, GIADINIS ND, BROZOS C (2023). Effect of sugar beet pulp and anionic salts on metabolic status and mineral homeostasis during the peri-parturient period of dairy sheep. Animals, 13:243.
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